Agnus Dei Senior Leadership Qualification (ADSLQ)

This qualification provides an accredited professional development programme (through the CPD:UK certification service) to existing leaders in a senior role or those aspiring to be. The course comprises of seven modules covering areas such as leadership in the Catholic context, teaching and learning, resource management, partnerships and increasing capability. A mixture of taught modules, pre reading and online learning as well as school experience will be used to help each candidate learn about different aspects of senior leadership.

Each delegate will be required to lead an improvement project across their school, lasting at least 2 terms, to reduce variation in pupil progress and attainment (Part A) and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching (Part B), ensuring that it identifies supports the Catholic values of the school.  


  • Catholic Leadership
  • Strategy and Improvement
  • Teaching and Curriculum
  • Leading with Impact
  • Working in Partnership
  • Managing Resources and Risks
  • Increasing Capability

The taught element of the course will take place over 4 days and the project will be submitted after these days.  Each day’s taught session will require at least 3 hours pre reading and will have guided learning to accompany it.  

The course is ideal for anyone who is looking to move into senior leadership, or anyone who is new to this position.  Alongside gaining practical, hands on advice and coaching delegates will become versed in the Gospel Values and how they underpin everything that we do as Catholic Educators.  In order to become accredited all modules and the project must be completed.

Application forms are available from:

COST OF COURSE: £250 to alliance members, £400 to non alliance members

Application Form below

ADSLQ Application form