Year 7s on their first day in September
Click here for:
Transition Presentation
Dear Parents/Carers and new students to St Bonaventure’s.
Thank you for choosing St Bonaventure’s as your son’s preferred secondary school. This is an exciting next step on the learning journey but it can also be stressful for some. I am excited to be able to have a full induction programme for this year.
Here are some key dates for you:
Induction day
Thursday 6th July
A letters will be sent out with full details in June
Induction week:
First day – Tuesday 3rd September – 8:45 am – 1pm
Wednesday onward – 8:45am – 3:25pm
Curriculum Evening:
A Letter with full details be sent out in September
Please look at the ‘frequently asked questions’ below, which might answer some of your general queries.
Activities will be posted later in the term for your son to do. They are not compulsory but hopefully you will find them fun and they will give a flavour of what we do here at St Bonaventure’s.
If you are concerned about the transition process and would like to have a conversation with me about your son, then leave your contact details and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
My contact details are as follows:
- Email address:
- or alternatively
Please check our presentations on the website
Kind regards,
Dave Bastian
Assistant Head Teacher Key Stage 3.
Transition Coordinator
Click here for:
Transition Presentation
Waiting to meet their new friends and teachers on their first day!
Read through our Frequently Asked Questions – have we missed anything? Please get in touch!