It is important that as a Catholic community we are generous and support Charities. In these difficult financial times, there are many individuals, families and groups that are struggling to live. A small amount from each of us becomes a large amount from the school as a whole.

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth,  when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me.” Matthew 25: 40

It is our duty as Catholic Christians to show love for the most vulnerable in our communities and across the world.

Charitable Donations 2023-2024

Summer Term 2024

Bake sale and associated activities for Dementia UK in May – total of £1,036

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society staff Name the Bear competition in June – £80

Staff Euro 2024 sweepstake for the Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society during June and July – £116

Spring Term 2024

Cultural Day 7th March, Family Fast Day Soup Lunch for CAFOD 14th March and Staff Hamper Raffle – total of £1050:

CAFOD – £500

Ricky Hayden Memorial – £200

Catholic Prison Chaplaincy – £200

4Loius – £150

St Margaret’s Church Canning Town Food Bank – 2 large boxes and 18 full carrier bags

Autumn term 2023

Family Fast Day Soup Lunch for CAFOD 7th November, sponsored walk 16th November, Christmas themed non-uniform jumper day 13th December, selling refreshments at 6th Form Talent Show 13th December,  Staff Secret Santa and non-Christmas card staff exchange = total of £5,727: 

The Mizen Foundation – £1,000

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society – £2, 5000 

CAFOD Israeli- Palestinian Appeal -£2,000 

CAFOD The goat that gives x 4 – £112 

Macmillan Cancer Support Bake Sale 1st December -£115

St Margaret’s Church Canning Town Food Bank – 2 large boxes and 47 full carrier bags 

Charitable Donations 2022-2023

Skipping Challenge for Cancer Research – Miss Anthony – £403.75

Autumn term 2022

Family Fast Day Soup Lunch for CAFOD 14th October – £195

Sponsored Walk 25th November – £4000 and Non uniform day Christmas themed clothing 15th December  – £1278.50 – Donated to Mizen Foundation (£2000) and BCCS (£3000) and the remained donated to Canning Town Food Banks (£278.80)

Poppy Appeal for the Royal British Legion November -£221:50

Non Christmas card staff exchange to buy a locally sourced Marvellous Moo Cow from CAFOD -£150

St Margaret’s Church Canning Town Food Bank – 6 large boxes and 48 full carrier bags


Spring Term 2023

Family Fast Day Soup Lunch for CAFOD 17th March -£382.50

Non uniform day Spring themed clothing and Lenten Bake Sale for CAFOD 29th March including a generous donation from a local benefactor -£1567.50 

Staff Easter Hamper Raffle for the British Red Cross – £185

Charitable Donations 2021-2022

Ms Parkers 10K Run for BCCS and CAFOD Ukraine – £327.50 (split equally)

Mr Odle – Diabetes UK – £270

Jubilee non-uniform day celebrations – £921.80

Culture Day March 2022 – £1227.50 (50% to CAFOD Ukraine crisis and 50% to CAFOD General Emergency Fund)

Family Fast Day for CAFOD in support of the Ukraine crisis – Soup Lunch – £424.13 March 2022

Advent Funding Donation raised £1250.00 for BCCS – December 2021

Newham Deanery team raised £3500 for Caritas Anchor House with London Landmarks Half Marathon

St Bon’s staff raised £1400 for The Chartwell Cancer Trust doing a Cancer Battle Challenge on 17th October 2021

MacMillan Cancer Support – Cake Sale – £445

Poppy Appeal – November 2021 – £453.60

Annual Sponsored Walk in West Ham Park – £3182.09 for Advent Charities CAFOD, Mizen Foundation, BCCS

Total – £13,401.62

Charitable Donations 2020-2021

CAFOD and Caritas Anchor House – Non Uniform Day July – £1349.75

Poppy Appeal November 2020 raised £402.80

Advent Charities… Caritas Anchor House, CAFOD World Gifts, Various Newham Foodbanks, St Bart’s Trust at Newham Hospital – £1584 (still being counted)

CAFOD Lent Fast Day – £304

Charitable Donations 2019-2020

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (A Lewis 2.6 Challenge) May 2020 £400

The Jimmy Mizen Foundation (A Lewis 2.6 Challenge) May 2020 £400

NEWway Project (A Lewis 2.6 Challenge) May 2020 £200

Caritas Anchor House (A Lewis 2.6 Challenge) May 2020 £200

CAFOD (J Baynes 2.6 Challenge) July 2020 £142

Cornerstone Church Cafe (J Baynes 2.6 Challenge) July 2020 £170

Bonny Downs Community Association (J Baynes 2.6 Challenge) July 2020 £170

Yemen Appeal (J Caddy, W Templeman, J Robsinson, Z Alisauskas – Dunwich Dynamo) July 2020 £910

Brentwood Catholic Children Society £4800

Mizen Foundation £2000

Memorial Garden £600

Sponsored Walk £7467.93

Total 2019/2020- £17,459.93

Charitable Donations 2018-2019

Aid To The Church In Need (Mufti Day) £1,542.70

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (Sponsored Walk) £4,832

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (Mount Kilimanjaro – Mr Robinson) £1,230.30

Caritas Anchor House (Sponsored Walk) £2,500

Caritas Anchor House (Carol Service Collection) £358.19

CAFOD (Mufti Day) £2,000

Duke of Edinburgh Mufti Day £1,501

FGM Support (Staff Christmas Card Donations) £43

Forest Gate Winter Shelter (Staff Christmas Card Donations) £143

Friends of the Holy Land (Christmas Raffle) £111.40

Make a Wish Foundation £487.98

Missio £4,455.62

Total £19,205.19

Charitable Donations 2017-2018

Aid To The Church In Need £973

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (Sponsored Walk) £8000

CAFOD (Secret Santa Wrapping, Mufti Day, DEFRA Double up, Staff Raffle) £5,049.13

Contact The Elderly (Staff Christmas Cards, Bake Sale) £203.70

Crisis (Tuck Shop) £140.33

Missio (Mufti Day) £1423.50

The Mizen Foundation (Mufti Day) £1826.56

Total £17,616.22

Charitable Donations 2016-2017

Aid To The Church in Need (Mufti Day, Head Boy Sponsored Silence, Born for This Collection) £1,688.57

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society £5,200

CAFOD £7,958.09 (Abseil, Mufti Day, Carwash & Sale)

Community Links £210

Help for Heros (Tough Mudder) £320.00

Latin American Evening for Place2B (Grenfell Tower) £167.74

NDCS (Bake Sale) £100.50

Salvation Army £2469.96

Shelter £1326.31

St Antony’s Building Fund £609.65

TELCO Migrants Project (Basketball, Year 8 Inter-Form Football) £212.68

Total £20,263.50

Charitable Donations 2015-2016

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society £2605.60

CAFOD £5,182

National Deaf Children’s Society £1,023

Nepal Earthquake (DEC) £586.41

St Antony’s Church Building Fund £514.41

St Michael’s Fire Damage Fund £844

The Medaille Trust £2000

Total £12,755.42