On the week of 11th March 2019, each year will be having their year group school councillors present an assembly about a charity set up by Werenfried van Straaten known as ‘Aid to the Church In Need’ which help Catholics and other Christians all around the world that are largely affected by loss of shelter, loss of food, loss of clothing and much more due to natural disaster and major and minor conflicts. Catholics and other Christians around the world are also at the risk of persecution and oppression which can be horrifyingly fatal.

The aim of this assembly will be to intrigue you to support the cause of helping the charity pursue their aims of putting Catholic and other Christian denominations persecution and excessive amounts of issues like this to an end.

Think about these: 1) How would you feel if you were persecuted for your faith? 2) How would you feel if you didn’t have a place to call home? 3) Would you want someone to help you if you were in that position?

Aid to the Church in Need


I hope you all look forward to the assembly and will support to the cause with the wonderful day, we’ve planned to show how St Bonaventure’s as a healthy and contributing community has helped to assist charities around the world.

The Red Wednesday will take place on the 3rd of April 2019 and to show your support, please pay £2 and wear red to show how you’ve cared to help the cause.

P.S There will be more upcoming events such as Interform for year 7, year 8, year 9, and year 10 so I hope you same connected to be informed about any further updates!


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