On Wednesday 15th March the whole school took part in Red Wednesday. This was a special day to wear red to recognise that Christians are being persecuted in many countries around the world. The money raised will go to a charity called Aid To The Church in Need.


The school council made sure that everyone in the school knew about this by presenting in every Assembly. On the day, the school council members made sure that the money was collected.


Thanks to Ms Moro in Finance for setting up the ParentPay so the donations could be collected on-line. Thanks to Mrs Gough for organising the envelopes and thanks to Mrs Halliwell for publicising the Mufti Day on Facebook and Twitter.

The day was a great success and lots of boys came into school wearing red.


The message about the charity was understood by the students in the school and we raised a lot of much needed money.

The amount raised for Aid To The Church In Need was;


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