Information update 10/5/22

From Monday 21st February 2022 the government announced a new set of guidelines for “Living with Covid-19”. We are continuing to review what makes St Bonaventure’s as safe as possible for our students, staff and families during this time by using this guidance as well as advice from our local Public Health teams. We are very grateful for your support over the last two years, and we are very proud of the way students have conducted themselves during this difficult time. 

At present, the following points are the main clarifications and considerations:

LFT Testing

We will no longer be sending prompts to test twice weekly and we will no longer be able to provide test kits to students on a regular basis. There is now only limited availability – but we do have some small stocks in school which are available on request.

Self Isolation & Reporting Absence 

We are still recommending that you stay home after a positive test for 5 full days. This is because schools are places where it is hard to avoid transmission. Please contact the school in the usual way (via SchoolGateway) to report a student absence and state that it is an isolation due to Covid 19. Work will continue to be provided on GoogleClassroom and SatchelOne.

Close Contacts

There is no need to test daily or self isolate if a close contact regardless of vaccine status. .


If you are displaying any of the symptoms Covid 19, you are to stay at home and if possible arrange a test.

Face Coverings

These are no longer a requirement, but if students wish to wear them, they are free to do so. They are still recommended currently on public transport.

Thank you again for your ongoing support and for continuing to encourage your son/daughter to act responsibly during this time. Working together we will continue to do all we can to keep our community safe.